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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Please click here for our SEND Information Report, which sets out in detail how we support children with additional needs

Please click here for Essex's Local Offer, which contains a wealth of information about services that are available in Essex to support children with additional needs, as well as information on Essex's strategy.

 Our school aims identify that :

¨ We believe that our school should be a place of partnership between pupils, parents, teachers, staff and governors.

¨ We aim to give equal opportunities for developing the talents and skills of the whole community, children and adults.

¨ We believe everyone should feel valued and their opinions and needs respected.


At Great Tey School the special needs of children are identified by the class teacher or a colleague by observation, testing, assessment and consultation with parents, previous school records and, where appropriate, health agencies.   Class teachers endeavour to meet the needs of every child with the support of our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), who helps to assess children's learning difficulties and works with the teacher to plan suitable programmes of work and support.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator is Mrs. Tina Hodgkins, contactable through the school office or at thodgkins@greattey.essex.sch.uk.  The Deputy SENDCO is Mrs. Lucy Overton, contactable through the school office or at head@greattey.essex.sch.uk.  Mrs. Hodgkins is the SENDCo for Ducklings, Sparrows and Robins classes; Mrs. Overton for Woodpeckers Class.

SEN Support

High quality teaching is the most effective way to support every child's learning, and is the right of every child.  At times, however, it is not sufficient on its own and additional interventions, either individually or in a small group, are required to help children make progress.  This level of support is called SEN Support.  Interventions may include additional reading or phonics work, Numicon Maths intervention, Plus One maths support, handwriting practice and precision monitoring for reading and spelling.

High Needs 

At times, the level of support given at SEN Support may not be sufficient to meet a child's needs.  It may be necessary to involve other professionals to ensure everything possible is being done to support a child's progress and development.  If parents and class teachers feel that the assessment of a child’s needs would benefit from an Educational Psychologist’s report then the SENCO will support this process.  Children may also be referred to other services, such as the Specialist Teacher team, Community Paediatrics, Occupational or Speech Therapy.  Parents will always be informed should this need arise with their child. 

Education, Health and Care Plans

For some children with more significant or lifelong learning needs, it may be appropriate to apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan.  This is a legal document which states the responsibilities of each of the agencies involved with the child and which clearly sets out the ways in which the child should be supported to meet their full potential.  An EHCP may also fund additional resources, such as additional adult support, equipment and mobility support.

Please see the side bar on the left for a link to Great Tey's Information Report, which sets out how we support children with SEND in detail.  There is also a link to Essex's Local offer, which sets out the support available to children with SEND and their families in Essex.