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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School


The current policy for admission to primary schools adopted by Essex Education Authority is for children to start full-time attendance at the beginning of the term in which they become five years old or, more usually, in the September of the year in which they become 5.  Parents can defer entry until the start of the term in which their child becomes 5.  

The number of pupils we are able to admit is 12 in each year group. This is reconsidered each year. 

Please click here to make an online application for a school place.

Click here for further information on appeals and waiting lists.

The following is taken from the County admissions policy:

There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admission area. In the event of over subscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:
Looked After Children; children living in the priority admission area with a sibling attending the school;
other children living in the priority admission area; children living outside the priority admission area with a sibling attending the school; remaining applications. In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority. Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above criteria (other than Looked After Children).
Agreement for children living in the priority admission area
The LA may offer places above the published admission number (during and after the normal time of admission) in the following exceptional circumstances:
for infant classes at the class size limit: if the next nearest school with a space is not within a
reasonable distance of the home address; or for junior classes or where the admission would not breach the infant class size limit: if the journey to the next nearest school with a space is not reasonable in terms of distance, accessibility or cost.

The Local Authority's Admission arrangements for our school can be found on our Policies page (see the Our School Tab).