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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School

Parent Comments

 The best people to tell you about our school are the children and their parents.  Please read below some of the comments made in our most recent survey -

In an online survey completed in June 2023 - 

(37 responses received, each response therefore accounts for 3% of data)

98% of parents agreed (16%) or strongly agreed (82%) that their child is happy at our school

100% of parents agreed (11%) or strongly agreed (89%) that their child feels safe at our school

100% of parents agreed (30%) or strongly agreed (70%) that the school ensures pupils are well behaved

When asked whether the school deals effectively with pupils, 77% of parents said their child has never experienced bullying at our school.  Of the remaining parents, 15% strongly agreed that any issues are dealt with quickly and 5% agreed with this.

97% of parents agreed (29%) or strongly agreed (68%) that their child does well at our school.

97% of parents would recommend our school to other parents.


Some comments in the survey responses -

"I’m delighted with the school. The staff are, without exception, skilled, kind, helpful and approachable. I couldn’t be happier with my choice of school and I hope it continues to go from strength to strength."

"Great teachers and the head teacher always goes the extra mile."

"We love the school, the teachers and the family sense that the pupils have with each other. Older peer groups interact with the younger peer groups in playground and this is lovely to see - children look out for each other."

"Both my children are extremely happy at the school and I would recommend it to anyone."

"We have really valued and appreciated how the teachers at the school have recognised our child's individual learning needs and helped to adjust the learning activities accordingly in line with his development and abilities. He is being challenged and stretched in just the right way, and it's fantastic to see him respond accordingly."

"We love this school. Teachers are all friendly, helpful and super caring. There is a strong family vibe within school. There is clearly compassion and kindness."

"My girls are very happy at school and enjoy their time there. I know when they are there they are well looked after and cared for, not just academically, but emotionally"

"Great Tey have helped my sons education come on very much since joining, his language, phonetics and reading were always hard subject areas and I’m very grateful for their approach to this."

"My son enjoys school each day, he comes home and tells me about it. He has caught up on his reading since homeschool and delayed start. The reading homework was explained well and allows me to help him also. Many clubs and activities provided and option to go to. Lunches are healthy and care with the food. Staff are efficient and friendly."

"Great Tey is a wonderful school with a very child centred approach.  It is perhaps one of the most supportive, inclusive schools I know. You're all doing a wonderful job in challenging circumstances. I hope Ofsted, when they do come, recognise how special this school is."