Relationships and Sex Education
Please click on links below for our RSE Policy and Powerpoint slides, which were first used at the parent consultation meeting held on 13th January 2020. Although the formal consultation is complete, we continue to value your comments on the school's RSE Policy. You can put your views in writing and hand them in at the school office, or email the Headteacher on
If you would like further information, or for an overview of lessons taught, please see the PHSE page under the Curriculum tab - Relationships Education is taught through our PHSE topic of Growing and Changing. You are welcome to ask teachers to show you the planned lessons or resources being used at any time, we aim to take a collaborative approach to teaching relationships and sex education and would always want to work with parents to give children the information they need to lead safe, happy, fulfilling lives.
In line with our school ethos, we aim to teach children to be respectful of others, and to recognise that families come in lots of different shapes and sizes. As part of this, we may look at step-families, families where children are cared for by people other than their parents, one-parent families, or families with single-sex parents. We do not aim to promote any particular lifestyle, other than one in which we treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated.
As you will see from the policy and slides, parents retain the right to withdraw children from some relationships and sex education lessons - our aim would be to create a curriculum that all parents are comfortable with, so that no pupil needs to be withdrawn from important learning. We therefore value your input and would welcome the chance to discuss your concerns before any pupils are withdrawn. Please note that some aspects of human biology are also taught through Science - parents do not have any automatic right to withdraw children from these lessons as they form part of the statutory National Curriculum. Further information is available from the Headteacher.
RSE Consultation Meeting Powerpoint